Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It really is amazing how fast things move the first year of a baby's life.  Some of it is bittersweet (and other just sweet), but either way, it's a fact.  I've been putting off this next phase for about a month and a half, continuously extending our start date.  But, alas, today we went from 3 naps to 2.  And we introduced Hammond to rice cereal!

Pretty sure he only consumed about a teaspoon full...maybe.  But, we'll get there.

I just have this feeling that Scout is going to be great at cleaning up H's messes...

Scout didn't move from this spot the entire (short) feeding!

[Disclaimer:  I am aware that there is a recall on the Bumbo seat, and I have ordered a repair kit that should be in the mail.  However, I did not go any farther than 3 feet from H while he was sitting in it.  And it is on an elevated surface only because it is great for meal times!]

Saturday, August 25, 2012

5 months

Not only did we have an election on Tuesday, but Hammond also reached a milestone - 5 months!!  

I tried to do our normal photoshoot during the day, but I just couldn't get a big smile out of this kid like I normally can.

hey guys...check me out
i know i'm adorable, but i'm not going to smile for you, mama

So I waited for dad to get home, and sure enough, instant smiles and lots of baby laughter.

oh hey dad

daddy is so funny

love this kid

Some of the new things - 

- he can roll over!  stomach to back, back to stomach, and over and over and over.  it's so fun, but we definitely have to keep an eye on him.  no more laying him on high surfaces either.  
- he wants to put everything in his mouth.  i know i've said that before, but it's even more dramatic now.  and hilarious.
- he's still figuring out that he is in control of his arms.  he loves to move his arms up and down and all around...sometimes with a toy attached.  and he'll end up hitting himself in the face!  totally unaware of how to make it stop!
- and as i've already said, his daddy makes him laugh like nobody else.  it's just a fact.  when jamie comes in the door and plays with him, that boy will giggle and squeal like nobody's business.  it's so much fun to watch.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

the run-off

Although it won't be official until early next week, it appears that my dad has lost the 154 votes.  Out of ~27,500.  

It is definitely disappointing, and I really feel like dad would have been the best candidate to go up against John Barrow (the Democratic incumbent) this November.  However, he had some obstacles along the way, and it just didn't happen.  

Let it be said, as I've said before, I am so proud of my dad.  And I'm grateful that there are others out there like him who genuinely want to make a difference.  It's not about the power, it's not about the prestige, and it's not about the politics.  He just wants to see this country become what it can be.  For his children.  And for his adorable grandchildren. :)

He'll just be a part of that from another angle.

So, thanks for the thoughts and prayers these past few months.  It's been a lot of hard work, but it just wasn't his time.  On the flip side, we're excited about getting to see so much of my dad over the next few months!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Beach Trip

The past few years we've taken a trip to St. Simons with both of my sisters, their families, and some of the Green family friends, the Costleys.  Mimi-Shug and Grand-bud (Tee's parents) are gracious enough to allow us to use their house for the week, and we had such a great trip.  Of course, this was H-man's first time at the beach, and it was so much fun!

our longest road trip to date with the babe...
let's just say that we made it in one piece :) 

family Jillian's session

first time in the ocean!

he loved the sinking feeling when the water went back down

dad showing his son his favorite place...the beach

afternoon nap on the beach


a look at what's to come

coolest kid I know

just hanging

late night game of spoons

nautical baby

visit with our friend, aunt jess!

late afternoon beach time

sweet girls

thankfully, hammond loves the water, so we spent many afternoons/
evenings hanging out in the pool

Such a fun, different family beach trip.  So much more fun to come!

Thoughts on the Primaries

I don't really spend much of my time talking politics, and I definitely don't spend any time talking politics on social media.  I definitely think about what I would say as a rebuttal to some of the comments posted, articles published, opinions running rampant, but I usually refrain.  Of course this year is a little different, as things have gotten personal.  

As I've mentioned before, my dad is running for U.S. Congress in the 12th district.  Therefore, for the first time, I was right in the thick of it all.  

Throughout this process I've realized a few things - 

- Primaries really are important.  After all of this, I'd like to say that Jamie and I will be more educated on who we'd like to see representing our party in the November elections.  And then get out there and vote in July (and possibly August, if there's a run-off).  And definitely in November.

- Despite the disappointing fact that so many Americans do not actually vote, especially in the primaries, people work really hard for those elections.  My mom, dad, their friends, our family, his campaign staff, volunteers, and more have been wearing themselves out making phone calls, knocking on doors, holding signs, praying, and doing whatever is necessary to get dad's name out there.

Jennifer + Jamie during our shift of sign holding

- I admittedly used my child as a buffer to put political propaganda on social media (which I know I said I never did, but this was for my dad!).  I mean, how can you make a super negative comment on my FB post, when the most adorable face is staring at you?  

the proof :)

- Watch parties are not really my idea of a party.  Last night was fun and humbling to be surrounded by such a group of supporters, but stressful waiting for the results.

my family, supporting dad
(and, yes, my shoes are off...this was at 11:30pm and they were tired!)

- And I'll end with this....

No, my dad didn't win...yet.  He's headed to a run-off that will take place on August 21st.  

As we were preparing for whatever was going to happen, I couldn't help but reflect on what this all means.  To watch my dad lose would not be fun at all, and my dad really believes that this is something God has called him to...But, I also have to remember that sometimes (actually most of the time), God is working in the journey, not necessarily the outcome.  (Major props to my husband for reminding me of this.)  I do think God will do big things through my dad if he makes it to DC, but I have already seen Him do big things through my dad over the past few months.

He has always been an amazing man, full of character, grace, wisdom, faith.  But, I've watched him develop relationships that wouldn't have come about but through this grueling process.  I've seen him humbled by his dependency on other people and their support - financially, emotionally, and spiritually.  I've watched him grow in his faith, as he has to relinquish control over this situation...he works hard to do what he can, but at the end of the day, it's up to the voters.  I've been witness to his hard, hard, hard work to fight for what he believes in, and what he believes will benefit his children, and our children.  I know that man is tired!  

All of that to say, I'm proud of my dad.  And I'll be just as proud of him whether he's a U.S. Congressman or just my dad.  I'm pretty sure God would agree with me on that one.

I'll be sure to post updates as we move along...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Hunger Games

I have a back log of posts that will be coming your way...I just haven't had time to sit down and write them yet!  But I'll start with one that is short and sweet...

The Hunger Games.

After finishing the first book, I raved that this was probably the best novel I've read since Harry Potter.  And if you know how much of a HP fan that I am -- not in the dress-like-a-wizard-at-the-midnight-showing kind of fan, although there is nothing wrong with that, but in the I-love-the-beauty-of-a-well-written-story kind of fan -- I'd say this is a big endorsement. :)

I read the first book in about two days, waited until I could borrow the second book.  After flying through it, I couldn't wait to finish the series so I immediately bought the third one and read it in 24 hours.  

And all I'm left with is a sad pit in my stomach (yes, I get way too emotionally wrapped up in the fictional characters) and an ending that I'd prefer to change.  I mean, once I was half way through the third book, I knew it couldn't end any other way.  But, let's just say, if I could re-write it, I think I would.  I mean, I'm trying to decide if I even want to see the movies that now I'm finished.  

All of that being said, I still think it's a good read, and would recommend it.  But, it might not rank quite as high up as I had initially thought.