Wednesday, March 10, 2010

new is good

Following up on one thought from a previous post, the husband and I tried out a new work out spot this morning. Trammell Fitness and Martial Arts. Yep. That's right. Martial arts.

The gym is owned by Richard Trammel, 3 time World Champion in the field of martial arts. Jamie and another broker helped him find the building that he's currently in, so he told us to come try it out.

This morning they took us through a warm-up - jump-roping, squats, flys, bench press, jumping benches, etc. Then they taught us the basic punching and kicking. And then they took us into the ring! Yes, a real ring. Where we did 30 minutes worth of punching and kicking into pads that our instructors were wearing. I mean, I had on boxing gloves and everything! They even taught me how to dip (when someone is coming at you...I definitely ran into his pads at least twice from going the wrong direction!). We closed with weights and abs.

We're still giving some thought as to whether or not this is for us, but honestly, I think we'll give it a try for at least a month or so. We're just stuck in a rut at LA Fitness, so it will be nice to have someone challenge us physically in a different way.

And maybe one day I'll snap a picture of me in my gloves for you all to see :)