Food is always on my mind, but there are a few things I had to share with you —
1 - Did I tell you our neighbors have chickens?! We love, love, love Brian, Sarah, and their adorable three kids. They are great neighbors (he's a vet!) and they are all about being as self-sustaining as possible. This past spring they built three really incredible and "fruitful" square-foot gardens filled with vegetables and herbs. And they also purchased some chicks! Now that it's October, the chickens have grown and are starting to lay eggs. As a result, we've had lots of baked goods come our way (delivered by sweet Fiona, the oldest daughter). We hit jackpot two weeks ago, when this was delivered to us —
Fresh, home-grown eggs!
Aren't they beautiful?
I didn't do anything fancy, but we did scramble them and have them for breakfast. And I must say, they were the best eggs that I have ever eaten. Maybe part of it was in my head, because I could see the chickens out my window, but they were absolutely delish!
2 - On another side of the spectrum, I made a meatloaf this week. Never have I ever made one, craved one, or even thought about it. But, Pioneer Woman (if you've never seen her blog, please check it out...if only for the recipes) posted a recipe that actually intrigued me. And when I mentioned the idea to Jamie he told me meatloaf was one of his favorite meals. Who knew?!
I must admit, this might have been one of the greatest things I've ever cooked/eaten. And that's coming from a previous non-meatloaf eater. (I have to tell you that I got to use homemade bread made by Lindsay from a get together we had this weekend. So that probably helped...but) Try it yourself!

[Photo courtesy of The Pioneer Woman]
3 - And as previously mentioned, we had some neighbors over this past weekend for some football, cornhole (that I'm not sure anyone actually ever played), and food. It was quite the spread with Lindsay's bread, freshly boiled peanuts, apple pie, and homemade cheeze-its (so yum! recipe here, made by neighbor Kristin.) I also made a huge pot of one of our Allen family favorites, Chicken Tortilla soup. Recipe to come!
Don't you love the food cravings that come with the change of seasons? Here's to soup, pumpkin flavored everything, comfort food, and fall spices!
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