Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving Come Early
Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/23/2009 07:59:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
OCD much?
Lists are an important part of my life. Growing up, I was probably one of the most unorganized people. Until college. Partly because I was now responsible for managing my own time and partly because my small living space served as living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc. That was when I realized my great need for lists. This is what has to get done today. This week. Etc. And this realization came with my great need for significant "places" to put things. Electronics go in a basket on a shelf in our TV stand. Hair products go under the sink. Hats go in a bin on a shelf above our closet. Nice dresses go on the left side of the closet. Casual dresses go in the armoire. Jeans go in the bottom drawer of the dresser. You get the picture. Things must go back to their "places;" otherwise they get misplaced. No list/"place" = a forgotten lunch date, a missing pair of pants, an incomplete work assignment, an unnoticed birthday of a friend, etc.
It wasn't until recently that I have again been reminded of the necessity of these tools in my life. It's just the way it is. Without them, there comes this overwhelmed version of myself. Lists and "Places" keep order and sanity in my life, and I am a much happier person when this is the case. Even the husband, who once poked fun of my lists, is recognizing that they are important for our household!
It was with his encouragement that I created this crazy spreadsheet for our house (if you click on it, it'll give you a larger version so you can see just how crazy detailed it gets!). There's so much to do, and we need a plan. What we need versus what can wait a few months until we're settled. What has to be done before we move in. What we currently have for the house. How much money we have left in gift cards so that we can get the things we need. There's so much to do, and this allows me to see it in big picture. And check things off (which is my favorite!).
If this is the list for just the basics of our house, can you imagine what my binder was like for the months of wedding planning? Huge and crazy! But it got me through.
Ah - now I can breathe a little sigh of relief as we attempt to check some things off the list!
Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/20/2009 07:45:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
you can put this on my Christmas list
This year, with the new house and all, I'm really having to differentiate on what classifies as a need and what falls into the want category.
Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/18/2009 11:25:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thanks to everyone who came out last night! The event was a HUGE success - exactly how much so, I'll have to wait to tell you when we get the final numbers in from Lindsay and Gavin. However, I do know that the goal we set was pretty high, and that we exceeded that goal!! There are going to many kids who are going to be blessed as a result of the fun times that we were blessed with last night. Dawn came and even won one of the raffles! Earrings by Jen Boaz. Oh, and my stud of a husband did a great job introducing the founders of LUO. I'm so glad he's back! I'll post more pictures later, but wanted to share the good news! They'll be more of these in the future, so if you didn't make it out, you don't want to miss out on the fun next time!
Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/17/2009 08:10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009

Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/16/2009 07:28:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/12/2009 07:07:00 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
it's the little things

Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/10/2009 07:05:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wine & Cheese
That picture pretty much sums up some of my favorite things. Add in some good friends, and I am set! At work, we've been known to have our fair share of wine and cheese parties. Some have been large scale, some have been kept on the down low, and some have been lavish!
Posted by Molly Hargather at 11/05/2009 08:42:00 AM 2 comments