Thursday, March 28, 2013


February 24th was one of those days that I added to my short bullet point list of things I will never forget.  

I got baptized.

You can hear my story in a nutshell in the video below.  When I accepted Jesus, when I started pursuing a personal relationship with Him, and when I realized I needed to be baptized.  

Molly Hargather from Buckhead Church Baptisms on Vimeo.

this is the picture of my wonderful and enormous family
that they accidentally left out of the video :)

I'll never be able to put into words how grateful I am that God changed the heart of a stubborn, rebellious teenager.  He has changed my life in so many more ways than I could have imagined.  He gives me hope in a world that is often hopeless.  He gives me joy when I'm not feeling it.  And He offers peace when the storms are raging.  He is the only source of true life, and that life is irreplaceable.  

But what overwhelmed me the morning of my baptism most specifically was the community of people who have come into my life because He saved me.  Most of my closest friends from college thru today are a part of my life because we share our love for Jesus. And my husband and I chose each other because of our love for Jesus. 
(I certainly can't imagine my life without him (or sweet little Hammond)!)

I understand that some of you don't know Jesus and some of you don't care to.  But, based on my relationship with Him, I really do pray that one day you'll know Him the way that I do.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dear Hammond James...

Happy first birthday!!  

(Well, technically happy birthday + 6 days...I'm still catching up!)

I could not be more grateful that God chose me to be your mama.  Being a mom has been one of the biggest challenges that I've faced so far, but more than that, it's been one of the most gratifying experiences yet.  I wish I could show you just how much I love you.

You are full of LIFE, and so curious about everything going on around you.  But, like your daddy (and unlike your mama), you like to sit back and take it all in.  You are content watching everything unfold around you, and being on the outskirts of all the action.  

You are determined to perfect whatever you start (or at least that's the excuse I am giving for the fact that you've been crawling for SIX months!).  

Finally, you have such a tender heart and are full of love.  I have no doubt that you will be strong and courageous as you grow (very manly characteristics), but you can't be the best of those without the first two listed. :)  Thanks for loving your daddy and I so well.  

I can't believe a year has already flown by, and I know these others will just go faster.  Again, I'm so blessed to be your mama, and continue to pray that you know Jesus more and more over the years and that we can help lead you into a growing relationship with Him.  

12 month update:
- we're off formula and bottles completely!  he basically eats whatever we eat (except that I probably feed him a much more balanced meal than I do myself :).  
- some of his favorites? eggs, zucchini, veggie burgers, turkey burgers, chicken burgers (!), fruit of all kind, yogurt, oatmeal, toast, and it just goes on and on
- still naps twice a day (has pretty much dropped the evening nap), but due to some commitments, our schedule isn't quite as set.  which throws us off some.
- has 4 teeth fully in, and 2 more on the way
- drinks lots of water a day (like his mama)
- LOVES all of his new toys that he got for his birthday....we hadn't updated our toy box since he was a baby...oops!
- is taking some steps, but still prefers crawling
- still lots of babbling, and I like to convince myself that it makes sense (mamamama while looking at me means that he knows, right?!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

what's going on...

I realize this has been a blog of empty promises, but here are a few things that have been keeping us busy, busy, busy...

lots of eating!

mommy play dates

catching up on the Bachelor
[sidenote: I wasn't quite as impressed with this
season as my high hopes had thought I would be, but I am
excited for him and Catherine!]

acting like monkeys

winning trophies
(I've got a post coming on this...hilarious)

vacationing with cousins

we even took Hammond tubing!  he had to be in his own tube,
and it was faster than I'd thought, but he loved it. 

hanging out with college kids

standing on his own!

tasting limes :)

cheering on Victor and Lucas at the tennis match,
while Michael sits there looking like a dad :)

our favorite Brazilians!

walking with our click clack alligator
(but not on our own yet!)

celebrating this beautiful bride-to-be!

Publix half marathon

celebrating the birthday week of THIS kiddo!!
(cannot believe he's going to be ONE on Thursday)

Monday, March 11, 2013

10 & 11 Months

I can't believe we're just two short weeks away from having a one year old.  Here are his 10 and 11 month updates.


playing peek-a-boo

- lots of furniture walking
- super fast crawler, still
- finally feeding himself bits - toast, puffs (macaroni shaped), eating protein
- loves peek a boo (see reference photos above)
- his top teeth are coming in, and instead of the middle ones starting it out, the far left one (of the top 4) is coming first...a little redneck looking, but it's still pretty adorable
- fascinated with his sound machine (turning it on and off, on and off)
- standing by himself some
- napping twice a day, as usual (but mom has finally given a little leniency to the napping)


sound asleep with his puppy & lovey

- LOVES his lovey + stuffed puppy.  seriously...he lights up when he sees them.  and he sleeps with them under his arms (as evidenced by the photo above)
- he can now pull his baskets over to get to his toys
- he does much more babbling - dadada, baobaba
- taking 3 naps a day like a champ
- favorite toys are the ones that light up and make noise
- back to enjoying his exersaucer
- when you try to walk with him, he likes to jump up and down, but isn't really interested in walking

And that's it for now!  In just a few weeks I'll be posting his 1 year photos!!!  Ahhh....