Tuesday, July 16, 2013

June snapshots

I've been a terrible blogger, and I'm not going to tell you that we're so busy that I just never have the time.  What I will tell you is that I've been prioritizing, and getting on the computer to update a blog just hasn't been one of them.  I'll try to be better, but no promises.  

[Sidenote: If only blogging were as easy as Instagram.  Or at least easily updated via phone!  They should think about it.  Because I'm a pretty good Instagrammer :)]

Here's a look at our summer so far - 

a Raleigh family wedding

hanging out with cousins

and playing in their new pool!

celebrating this amazing father

Father's Day 2013

our redneck pool and our naked baby...
endless entertainment on a hot summer day
(when it isn't raining!!)

catching up with this beautiful friend