We love our church. And we love our church for more reasons than Sunday mornings. We love our church because it sparks ideas, challenges us, and nurtures each stage of life you are in.
Obviously Jamie and I just jumped into a brand new stage of life. We no longer check the "single" box when we're filling out paperwork. We wear a certain ring on our left hand. And we finally get to take part in Married Life at Northpoint/Buckhead.
At the last gathering [which we didn't attend because we weren't married yet], Married Life challenged couples to take part in The Great Date Experiment. Here's an excerpt from the site -
Most of us want to spend time with our spouse, but most of us don't spend time with our spouse. When we do get time together, a lot of us experience the classic, "What do you want to do? I don't know, what do you want to do?
MarriedLife presents the Great Date Experiment. For the next 6 months, once a month, MarriedLife is rolling out a different Great Date. Each date is complete, yet you get to choose the options. Each Great Date revolves around one of our Big 6 essentials: Nurture Romance, Cultivate Communication, Hurry Home, Celebrate Differences, Finish Together, and Trust God.
Even though we missed out on the Live event, we decided we'd take part in the experiment as well! And it was a blast!! Here's a photo from our first Great Date.
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